As your eyes at the markets, here’s this week’s seasonal update from our buyers:
Considering the poor weather in key growing areas, we are still looking good in terms of supply and price.
Say goodbye to Cherries, as TAS has now ended its season. Next supply will be in June when USA fruit starts.
New Season Apples are in, grapes are in full swing and a solid range of tropical fruits are coming from up north. When it comes to melons- Rocks, Honey, Long and Seedless are all good buying and eating well.
Quality on Strawberries is ranging between 7/10 to 8/10, mainly due to the weather.
Broccoli and Caulies are up in price while Yellow Squash, Gold Zucchini’s and large Heirlooms Tomatoes are on the short list.
The rest of the tribe are right to go, but we will see some kick up in price on selected lines over the next few weeks.
Fig Tray (NSW)
Lychees (QLD)
Papaya – red (QLD)
Peaches (NSW)
Pineapples (QLD)
Cos Lettuce – large (VIC)
Eggplant (NSW)
Sweet Potato – large (QLD)
Tomatoes – small (VIC)
Zucchini – green (NSW)
Coconut – drinking (Imported)
Dates – California (Imported)
Finger Limes (NSW)
French Truffles – extra class (Imported)
Palm Hearts (Far North QLD)
Papaya – green/cooking (QLD)
New Season Quince (QLD)
Salsify- black (SA)
Winter Melon (QLD)
Wasabi Stems (TAS)
Short Supply:
Heirloom tomatoes
Not Available:
Baby Gold Beetroot
Baby Leeks
Purple Asparagus
Yellow Zucchini