It is a good market this week due to supply still outweighing demand for most of the main lines.
PROBLEMS: Rockmelons * Honeydews * Strawberries * Watermelons * Roma Tomatoes
SOLUTIONS: Bananas * Grapes * Kiwifruit * Mandarins * Pineapples * Tomatoes (small)
We are starting to see an increase in Winter lines at the markets and if the weather holds we should have a great winter ‘fresh produce’ wise. Also worth a mention, as of last week, 90% of Australia’s growing regions are classified drought free. Amen!
Everything except stonefruit, melons (all) and straweberries are in good supply, good eating and well priced.
Apples, Pears, Avocadoes, New Season Navel Oranges, Mandarins, Pineapples, Quinces, Pomegranates and imported mangoes are the picks of the week.
Just Roma Tomatoes, Cherry Truss and Shiso Leaf are the main ones to watch out for this week, otherwise it’s a green light from Artichokes to Zucchinis.
Beetroot, Broccoli, Cauliflowers, Continental Cucumbers, Leeks, Sweet Potatoes, Swedes, Butternut Pumpkin and Zucchini are the veggie picks.
NB: New Season Australian Truffles will be available early June. Let the fun begin.
Fruit: Bethonga Pineapple * Delicious Apples -med (VIC) * Grapefruit – Marsh (QLD) * Mandarin (QLD) * Pomegranate (NSW)
Vegetable: Beetroot – large (TAS) * Celeriac (NSW) * Leek – large (VIC) * Sweet Potato – large (QLD) * Zucchini – green (VIC)
Fruit: Mango (Imported) * Mangosteen (Imported) * Papaya- green/cooking (QLD) * Quince (QLD)
Vegetable: Baby Globe Atichokes (NSW) * Baby Purple Carrots (NSW) * Roman (continental) Beans (NSW) * Red Witlof (VIC) * Tomato- Bella Rossa (NSW) * Tomato – Heirloom Mix (NSW)
Short Supply: Cherry Truss Tomatoes * Longan
Not Available: Broad Bean * Rambutan * Shiso Leaf