With the market as erratic as the recent weather along the Eastern Seaboard, here is our guide to produce for this week:
FRUIT: Market Overview
- Apples and Pears have stepped up in price, quality and supply no problems.
- Navel Oranges, Grapefruit and Lemons all travelling well, limes holding, Mandarins have firmed due to changing varieties and weather.
- Bananas are affected due to cold nights and wet weather in QLD. Sizing is medium to large.
- Rockmelons & Honeydews are still in short supply and up in price for quality.
- QLD Strawberries have been affected by the weather. Supplies holding with some quality issues.
- All Pineapples have been severely affected due the cold and wet weather, will be the same for the next few weeks.
- Kiwifruits, Pawpaw & Papaya are good eating, well supplied and priced to suit.
- USA cherries excellent quality and good buying
- Figs are in short supply and expensive
- For something different, Cumquats and Buddha hands
- Dried Muscatels are at the end of the season NA
VEG: Market Overview
- Broccoli, Cauliflowers, Iceberg & Cos on the buy list for the week. Quality and price, good to go!
- Gourmet salads, Spinach, Rocket & Mesclun still on the watch list for the next few weeks. Supply limited and quality is ok, prices holding.
- Green & Butter Beans are on the short list, quality is a problem.
- Eggplant, Squash and Zucchini have been affected due to cold snaps and rain, will remain short for the next couple of weeks.
- All pumpkin varieties on the increase.
- All Spuds are in full swing- good buying and great quality.
- Something Different- Broad & Borletti beans & Fennel!
Fruit: Blood Oranges (QLD) *Cherries (Imp- US) * Corella Pears (VIC) * Kiwifruit – bulk (Imp- NZ) * Paw Paw – yellow (QLD)
Vegetable: Broad Beans (NSW) * Broccoli (QLD) * Cauliflower (QLD) * Fennel Bulb- large (VIC) * Iceberg Lettuce (QLD)
Fruit: Buddha Hands (QLD) * Carambola- aka Starfruit (QLD) * Cumquats (QLD) * Dragon Fruit- yellow (QLD)
Vegetable: Borlotti Bean (QLD) * Broad Beans (NSW) * Namenko Mushroom (NSW) * Red Witlof (VIC) * Radicchio Lettuce (NSW) * Russet Burbank Potatoes (TAS)
Short Supply: Chestnut Mushrooms * Pineapple (expensive) * Rockmelon
Not Available: Asparagus – jumbo * Butter Bean – yellow * Muscatel Grapes – dried