Another fun week at the farm!

Rockmelons, Honeydews and Pineapples are in short supply and up in price. The NT season gets underway this week so Rocks and Honeys should come back in to play mid-late next week, whereas Pines look like they will sit here for the next few weeks. On the Vegies side, Zucchini and Beans are short supply and expensive.

The QLD season is well under way and as of today the market is fully supplied with Capsicums, Tomatoes, Eggplant, Avocadoes, Mandarins and Sweet Potatoes. Beans and Sweet Corn will follow as of next week.

Stick with the Picks!

Market: at a glance

Fruit: Apples, Citrus, Avocados, Ruby Grapefruit, NZ Kiwifruit, Mandarins, Blood Oranges, IMP Mangoes and Cherries, Pawpaw & Papaya, Panama Passion and WA Tamarillo’s. Grapes, good without being great. White Seedless- FORGET IT! USA here in 2 weeks.

Veg: Artichokes, Beetroot, All Cabbage, Red & Green Caps, Celeriac, Eggplant, Cos Lettuce, Asian Veg, Silverbeet, Sweet Corn, Large Red & Brown Onions & plenty of Heirloom Tomatoes this week!



Fruit: Blood Orange * Cherries (Imp- USA) * Green Papaya – cooking (QLD) * Mandarin (QLD) * Panama Passionfruit (QLD)  

Vegetable: Broad Beans (NSW) * Desiree – chat potatoes (SA) * Heirloom Tomatoes (NSW) * Sweetcorn (QLD) * Telegraph Cucumber (SA)  


Fruit: Bananas – cooking (QLD) * Banana Leaves (QLD) * Blood Oranges (QLD) * Drinking Coconut (Imp) * Feijoas (QLD) * Green Mangoes (NT) * Persimmon (New Season – NZ Imp) * Tamarillos – red (WA)

Vegetable: Red Witlof (VIC)

Other: Black Truffles (WA- New Season)


Short Supply: Chestnut Mushrooms * Chives * Pencil Leeks

Expensive: Pineapples * Rockmelon * Yellow Squash