BUYER'S GUIDE: 24th Jul - 30th Jul

With the market as erratic as the recent weather along the Eastern Seaboard, here is our guide to produce for this week:

FRUIT: Market Overview

  • Apples and Pears have stepped up in price, quality and supply no problems.
  • Navel Oranges, Grapefruit and Lemons all travelling well, limes holding, Mandarins have firmed due to changing varieties and weather.
  • Bananas are affected due to cold nights and wet weather in QLD. Sizing is medium to large.
  • Rockmelons & Honeydews are still in short supply and up in price for quality.  
  • QLD Strawberries have been affected by the weather. Supplies holding with some quality issues.
  • All Pineapples have been severely affected due the cold and wet weather, will be the same for the next few weeks.
  • Kiwifruits, Pawpaw & Papaya are good eating, well supplied and priced to suit.
  • USA cherries excellent quality and good buying
  • Figs are in short supply and expensive
  • For something different, Cumquats and Buddha hands
  • Dried Muscatels are at the end of the season NA

VEG: Market Overview

  • Broccoli, Cauliflowers, Iceberg & Cos on the buy list for the week. Quality and price, good to go!
  • Gourmet salads, Spinach, Rocket & Mesclun still on the watch list for the next few weeks. Supply limited and quality is ok, prices holding.
  • Green & Butter Beans are on the short list, quality is a problem.
  • Eggplant, Squash and Zucchini have been affected due to cold snaps and rain, will remain short for the next couple of weeks.
  • All pumpkin varieties on the increase.
  • All Spuds are in full swing- good buying and great quality.
  • Something Different- Broad & Borletti beans & Fennel!


Fruit: Blood Oranges (QLD) *Cherries (Imp- US) * Corella Pears (VIC) * Kiwifruit - bulk (Imp- NZ) * Paw Paw - yellow (QLD)

Vegetable: Broad Beans (NSW) * Broccoli (QLD) * Cauliflower (QLD) * Fennel Bulb- large (VIC) * Iceberg Lettuce (QLD)


Fruit: Buddha Hands (QLD) * Carambola- aka Starfruit (QLD)  * Cumquats (QLD) * Dragon Fruit- yellow  (QLD)  

Vegetable: Borlotti Bean (QLD) * Broad Beans (NSW) * Namenko Mushroom (NSW) * Red Witlof (VIC) * Radicchio Lettuce (NSW) * Russet Burbank Potatoes (TAS)


Short Supply: Chestnut Mushrooms * Pineapple (expensive) * Rockmelon

Not Available: Asparagus - jumbo * Butter Bean - yellow * Muscatel Grapes - dried


BUYER'S GUIDE: Asian/Exotics 17th Jul - 23rd Jul

Asian Vegetables: Short Supply

Asian Celery * Water Spinach

Asian Vegetables: Not Available

 Gai Choy * Kachay 

Exotic Fruits: Short Supply

Banana Buds/Bell * Pomellos- red * Tamarillo (gold)

Exotic Fruits: Not Available

Asian Plum * Buddha Hands * Longans * Loquats * Lychee * Rambutan

BUYER'S GUIDE: 17th Jul - 23rd Jul

Due to extreme weather patterns over the last 6-8 weeks many lines of fresh produce have been heavily affected. The wet weather experienced before winter delayed plantings, this was followed by extended cool nights, frosts and then more heavy  rain.

FRUIT: Market Overview 

  • Apples and Pears will be unaffected due to the majority of fruit coming out of cold storage
  • Citrus fruits (incl. Navel Oranges, Grapefruit and Lemons) are unaffected, yet limes will be firm. Mandarins will be firm due to changing varieties more so than weather
  • Avocados and Bananas are affected mostly due to the cold nights rather than the wet . Sizing will remain small and skin dull in colour 
  • Melons are adversely affected due to the cold nights and rain. NT Honeydew and Rocks are due to start at the end of this week- 19/20 July
  • Strawberries have been affected, quality concerns expect
  • Pineapples and Bethonga have been severely affected due to lack of sun, cold weather, rain and the inability of growers to pick. Pineapples will be extremely short supply for the next 2-3 weeks
  • Blueberries and raspberries are also affected and will remain expensive for the next couple of weeks

VEG: Market Overview

  • Wet lines such as iceberg, Cos and celery should be ok. Broccoli has shortened mainly due to the cold. Cauliflowers will have issues
  • Salad lines have been severely affected. Rocket is very difficult to get, and Mesclun and baby Spinach have increased in price. These lines will be short for the next 2-3 weeks
  • Capsicum have been affected- reds and yellows will have some quality issues. Pricing is stable
  • All cabbage lines have been affected due to the inability for farmers to get to the fields to pick. Prices will rise sharply but not for long. 
  • Beans and Corn have issues in quality and supply. Good beans will be scarce and expensive. Due to the rains, corn hasn’t been sprayed and we are expected to find grubs
  • Eggplant, Squash and Zucchini have been affected due to the cold and rain and will remain short for the next couple of weeks
  • Cucumbers are good and have not suffered much
  • All pumpkin varieties have been affected, especially Jap and Butternut. Theses lines will be in short supply for 3-4 more weeks
  • Snow peas and snaps have been affected but pricing remains reasonable
  • All Chinese vegetables have been adversely affected. There is planting gaps from previous rain falls. Short supply is another issue.
  • Fancy lettuces are smaller in size and in short supply
  • Herbs – Basil , chives , mint have been affected but these lines are quick to recover


Fruit: Avocado (QLD) * Kiwifruit - bulk (Imp- NZ) * Oranges - large (QLD) * Panama Passionfruit (QLD)

Vegetable: Broad Beans (NSW) * Celery (VIC) * Parsnip * Telegraph Cucumber (SA) * Russett Burbank Potato (TAS)  


Fruit: Cherries (Imp-US) * Blood Oranges (QLD) * Green Mangoes (NT) * Pomello (QLD) * Red Papaya (QLD) * Tamarillo - red (WA)

Vegetable: Borlotti Bean (QLD) * Namenko Mushroom (NSW) * Red Witlof (VIC) 

Other: Black Truffles (WA- New Season)


Short Supply: Butter bean- yellow * Chestnut Mushrooms

Short Supply & Expensive: Mesclun Lettuce * Pineapple * Wild Rocket

Expensive: Rockmelon

BUYER'S GUIDE: Asian/Exotics 10th Jul-16th Jul

Asian Vegetables: Short Supply

Asian Celery * Water Spinach

Asian Vegetables: Not Available

 Gai Choy * Kachay 

Exotic Fruits: Short Supply

Banana Buds/Bell * Longan * Tamarillo (gold)

Exotic Fruits: Not Available

Asian Plum * Buddha Hands * Cumquats * Loquats * Lychee * Rambutan

BUYER'S GUIDE: 10th Jul - 16th Jul


Another fun week at the farm!

Rockmelons, Honeydews and Pineapples are in short supply and up in price. The NT season gets underway this week so Rocks and Honeys should come back in to play mid-late next week, whereas Pines look like they will sit here for the next few weeks. On the Vegies side, Zucchini and Beans are short supply and expensive.

The QLD season is well under way and as of today the market is fully supplied with Capsicums, Tomatoes, Eggplant, Avocadoes, Mandarins and Sweet Potatoes. Beans and Sweet Corn will follow as of next week.

Stick with the Picks!

Market: at a glance

Fruit: Apples, Citrus, Avocados, Ruby Grapefruit, NZ Kiwifruit, Mandarins, Blood Oranges, IMP Mangoes and Cherries, Pawpaw & Papaya, Panama Passion and WA Tamarillo’s. Grapes, good without being great. White Seedless- FORGET IT! USA here in 2 weeks.

Veg: Artichokes, Beetroot, All Cabbage, Red & Green Caps, Celeriac, Eggplant, Cos Lettuce, Asian Veg, Silverbeet, Sweet Corn, Large Red & Brown Onions & plenty of Heirloom Tomatoes this week!



Fruit: Blood Orange * Cherries (Imp- USA) * Green Papaya - cooking (QLD) * Mandarin (QLD) * Panama Passionfruit (QLD)  

Vegetable: Broad Beans (NSW) * Desiree - chat potatoes (SA) * Heirloom Tomatoes (NSW) * Sweetcorn (QLD) * Telegraph Cucumber (SA)  


Fruit: Bananas - cooking (QLD) * Banana Leaves (QLD) * Blood Oranges (QLD) * Drinking Coconut (Imp) * Feijoas (QLD) * Green Mangoes (NT) * Persimmon (New Season - NZ Imp) * Tamarillos - red (WA)

Vegetable: Red Witlof (VIC)

Other: Black Truffles (WA- New Season)


Short Supply: Chestnut Mushrooms * Chives * Pencil Leeks

Expensive: Pineapples * Rockmelon * Yellow Squash

BUYER'S GUIDE: Asian/Exotics 3rd Jul - 9th Jul

Asian Vegetables: Short Supply

Asian Celery * Water Spinach

Asian Vegetables: Not Available

 Gai Choy * Kachay 

Exotic Fruits: Short Supply

Banana Buds/Bell * Tamarillo (gold)

Exotic Fruits: Not Available

Asian Plum * Buddha Hands * Cumquats * Longans * Loquats * Lychee * Rambutan

BUYER'S GUIDE: 3rd Jul - 9th Jul

The cooler weather has slowed supply on some items but with school holidays underway demand and supply are at par.

Just 3 to note for this week, Rockmelons, Honeydews and White Seedless Grapes. Rocks & Honeys are up in price, limited supply, quality ok without being brilliant. Good quality White Seedless Grapes are not available.

Otherwise the market is well stocked and quality in general is good.

  • Tomato supply is on the increase, which will ease prices over the coming weeks.
  • Imported Cherries are at their best- quality and price.
  • Australian Truffle season is in full swing.
  • Blood Oranges have started this week, better supply from next week on.
  • Figs in normal winter mode- limited supply and up in price.
  • Green Cooking mangoes in good supply.
  • Heirlooms Tomatoes peaking now- quality and price!!  
  • Medium Strawberries – short supply

Best Hits:

Fruit: Apples, Pears, all Citrus, Ruby Grapefruit, Kiwi Fruit, Papaws & Papaya, Passionfruit, Pineapples and Watermelons.

Veg: Artichokes, Beans, Broccoli, All Cabbage, Capsicums, Cauliflowers, Eggplant, Silverbeet and Gold Sweet potatoes.


Fruit: Apples- green juicing (VIC)Avocado (QLD) * Kiwifruit- bulk (Imp) * Mandarin (QLD)  

Vegetable: Broccoli (QLD) * Brussel Sprouts (VIC) * Cocktail Chat Potatoes (SA) * Heirloom Tomatoes (NSW) * Rhubarb (QLD) * Silverbeet (NSW)


Fruit: Cherries (Imp- US) * Dragonfruit- yellow (QLD) * Green mangoes (NT) * Tangello (VIC)

Vegetable: Asparagus - white (Imp) * Celeriac (VIC) * Royal Blue Potatoes (TAS) * Tuscan Cabbage (NSW) * Watermelon radish (NSW) 

Other: Black Truffles (WA- New Season)


Short Supply: Baby Gold Beetroot * Chestnut Mushroom * Kale - green

Not Available: Slippery Jack Mushrooms * Wild Pine Mushrooms 

BUYER'S GUIDE: Asian/Exotics 26th Jun- 2nd Jul

Asian Vegetables: Short Supply

Asian Celery * Water Spinach

Asian Vegetables: Not Available

 Gai Choy * Kachay 

Exotic Fruits: Short Supply

Banana Buds/Bell * Figs * Tamarillo (gold)

Exotic Fruits: Not Available

Asian Plum * Buddha Hands * Cumquats * Longans * Loquats * Lychee * Rambutan

BUYER'S GUIDE: 26th Jun- 2nd Jul



The market is in good shape this week with only some slight issues:

QLD: Extreme cold snap is affecting a few lines. Good quality but  slow growth and delay picking of beans, corn, peas, medium strawberries, rocket, rockmelons, bananas and raspberries. So stock is in short supply driving a price rise.

VIC: Experiencing lots of rain all over the state which in turn is affecting rocket, broccoli, iceberg lettuce and celery crops.

Noteworthy: Quinces are on their way out (end of season). New season USA Cherries are in stock now (for next 6 weeks). We have aromatic, Australian Black Truffles available by the gram.

Short Supply: Chestnut mushrooms, Zucchini flowers, pink and yellow mushroom, baby Zucchini , golden beetroots, and yellow chives

Great buys: Honeydew, Passionfruit, Green Zucchini, Papaya, Green Mango, Desiree large and bunched herbs.



Fruit: Cherries (Imp- USA)Corella Pears (VIC) * Oranges - juicing (NSW) * Pawpaw- yellow (QLD) * Red seedless grapes (VIC) 

Vegetable: Cos Lettuce - large (NSW) * Medium Potatoes- washed (SA) * Rhubarb (QLD) * Spring Onions (QLD) * Zucchini - green (QLD)


Fruit: Dragonfruit- yellow (QLD) * Green Mangoes (NT) * Nashi Pears (VIC) * Pink Lady Apples (VIC)

Vegetable: Broad bean (NSW) * Portabello Mushroom (NSW) * Purple Carrots * Tuscan Cabbage (NSW) 

Other: Black Truffles (WA- New Season) * Chestnuts (VIC)


Short Supply: Baby Gold Beetroot * Chestnut Mushroom * Oyster Mushrooms (pink & yellow) * Wild Rocquette * Zucchini Flower (female)

Not Available: Blood Oranges * Slippery Jacks Mushrooms * Wild Pine Mushrooms *

BUYER'S GUIDE: Asian/Exotics 19th Jun-25th Jun

Asian Vegetables: Short Supply

Asian Celery * Water Spinach

Asian Vegetables: Not Available

 Gai Choy * Kachay 

Exotic Fruits: Short Supply

Banana Buds/Bell * Tamarillo (gold)

Exotic Fruits: Not Available

Asian Plum * Buddha Hands * Cumquats * Green mangoes * Longans * Loquats * Lychee * Rambutan