Summer Harvest: Fruit

FRESH FACT: The Sydney Festival is a key event on the Sydney summer calendar bringing a constant stream of interstate travellers and diverse cultural events to Sydney for three weeks every January. Last year the festival contributed $56.8 million to the NSW economy and with an estimated 650,000 expected to attend in 2013 and additional events being hosted beyond the city centre, it is an exciting time for foodservice and hospitality businesses.

It may be hard to believe but Spring is on the wind up for another year, meaning the long days (and even longer nights) of summer are just around the corner. With the warmer temperatures encouraging more and more patrons to eat out, Summer is undoubtedly an important season for the food service/hospitality industries. With resources stretched to capacity, we thought we would profile the summer produce lines sure to bring both vibrant colour and fresh flavours to your menu with minimal fuss.  


CURRANTS (red /black):

Red currant

My English sensibilities (even after 20 odd years) have yet to come to terms with celebrating Christmas in summer and while pulling together a traditional Christmas turkey on a 40 degree day is akin to torture for many of us, we can at least be grateful that fresh red currants are available as a show stopping decoration or tasty addition to an Aussie Christmas menu.  

Seasonality: difficult to predict availability for this product, traditionally availablefrom mid-late Dec to mid Jan

Flavour: red currants are more sour than their black counterparts, but still boast the distinctively sweet, tart currant flavour that makes them ideal for both sweet and savoury dishes

Inspiration: Roast Pork with crackling and apples in red currant jelly - Steffan Jensen via SBS Food

Click here for full recipe




While some berry varieties have already started, the best is yet to come with the main berry season (and its vast range of flavours/colours and textures) starting in December.

Seasonality: uncommonly cool weather has slowed the growing process of many fruits, so there is a chance that some berry varieties may appear on the markets late or inconsistently this year.

Early season (Dec onwards): Blackberries, Blueberries (already in good form), Boysenberries, Loganberry, Raspberries (red), Gold raspberries (Dec only), Strawberries (VIC), Youngberries (Dec only)

Inspiration: Elderflower jelly with summer berries and strawberry sorbet - Martin Wishart via Great British Chefs

Click here for full recipe




It’s fantastic to see native produce gaining traction in the industry and with stunning fruits such as fingerlimes, it isn’t hard to see why they are in demand.

Seasonality: weshould see the first of the fresh fingerlimes around  Xmas/early January. Season lasts until May/June, peaking Mar - May

Flavour: same tangy, citrus flavour as common limes however the flesh is made up of small, translucent pearls which lend a unique texture and stunning aesthetic

Inspiration: Finger Lime Tart with Coconut Cream – Justine Schofield via LIfestyleFood

Click here for full recipe



Fresh Figs

Figs are a highlight of  the Summer, Autumn season for many of our chefs and with their rich colour, flavour and unique texture we can only lament that the season doesn’t last longer.

For more detailed information on fig varieties, please refer to our previous bulletin ‘Figs: The hidden treasure’- or click here

Seasonality: the main commercial variety – Black Genoa- is available late Dec – May

Flavour: distinctive rich, sweet flavour

Inspiration: Quail with cracked wheat, figs and aged balsamic vinegar – Gourmet Traveller

Click here for full recipe




When it comes to visual appeal, you really can’t go past the brightly coloured skin, white flesh and little black seeds of a dragonfruit. While subtle in flavour, their refreshing, crisp character makes them ideal for summer.

Seasonality: Oct – Apr (red with white flesh), red fleshed fruit start December/Xmas

Flavour: crisp, refreshing, sweet flavour- the flavour of red dragonfruit is often said to have a hint of raspberry

Inspiration: Dragon Fruit Caipirinha – Quantum Cocktails

Click here for full recipe



These exotic fruits are hard to go past in summer- not only do they boast symbolism and tradition (e.g. Chinese New Year) but also refreshing, unique and wonderfully exotic flavours


For more information on these varieties, please refer to our previous bulletin ‘Escape to the Tropics’- or click here

Other items of note for Summer: Stonefruit, Bananas, Mangoes, Pineapples, Salad greens,  Australian Grapes,Tomatoes.

Summer Stonefruit

FRESH FACT: When most Australians think of stonefruit we think of peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots and cherries. There is however more to the story, these stonefruit (or drupes) belong to the Rose family (Rosaceae) and boast family ties with almonds, loquats,pomes (apples/pears), raspberries (multiple drupes that make up a single fruit) and even strawberries. While not related to the Rose family, Coconuts, Coffee, Olives and Mangoes are also botanically classified as ‘Drupes’. The fleshy fruit of a drupe has a dual purpose, it protects the seed as it develops and encourages birds/animals to spread the seed by eating the fruit and moving to a new location.  

I can’t help but get excited when I see the full range of stonefruit at the markets, the bright colours and signature aromas herald the coming of Christmas, Summer and all the sweet, luscious treats that go with it. While the entire range is currently represented at the markets, fruit is still on the smaller side and eating quality varies between a 6.5/10 to 8.5/10. The peak stonefruit season in terms of both quality and price is still 2-3 weeks away, a consistent supply of good quality fruit- with the full flavour, bright skin and sweet fragrance we expect- is expected by the end of November.  


Seasonality: Nov - Jan

Buyer Update: early fruit is available but despite appearances (great colour) is not at its best. Hold off until the end of the month for quality, flavorful fruit

Flavour: sweet, firm flesh

Selection: look for plump, well-coloured fruit with a pleasant apricot aroma

Nutrition: good source of Vitamin C and Dietary Fibre. The more orange the fruit, the more nutritious it will be due to higher levels of beta-carotene



For more information on cherry varieties, please refer to our previous bulletin- Cherries on Top

Seasonality: Nov- Feb

Buyer Update: fruit is sweet, good in both size and colour but still quite expensive

Flavour: it is the balance of acid (tart) and sweet that makes cherries so delicious. While different varieties boast different balances, sweet cherries are just that- moist, sweet and juicy.

Selection: look for a cherry that is good and plump, with glossy skin and a nice green stem. Avoid soft, dull or bruised fruit or small hard cherries as they will lack flavour and juice.

Nutrition: good source of fibre and Vitamin C. Boast a very high antioxidant concentration, as well as melatonin (which aids sleep and brain function)



For more information on nectarines, please refer to our previous bulletin- The Pits

Seasonality: Nov- Mar

Buyer Update: season is underway, fruit looks an 8/10 but is eating closer to a 6 or 7 – yet to reach their more-ish best

Flavour: sweet, aromatic and juicy with a smooth, thin skin

Selection: select relatively firm, unblemished, fragrant nectarines with bright, glossy skin

Nutrition: nectarinesoffer double the amount of Vitamin A found in peaches and are a rich source of Vitamin C and potassium



For more information on peaches, please refer to our previous bulletin- The Pits


 Seasonality: Sept- Mar(Peak: Dec- Mar)

Buyer Update: on our best buys this week, peaches are well into their season, don’t yet have their distinctive fragrance but otherwise are eating and pricing well

Flavour: sweet, aromatic and juicy with a characteristically fuzzy skin

Selection: select relatively firm, unblemished, fragrant peaches that look fresh and yield to gentle pressure

Nutrition: very good source of Vitamins A and C and a good source of Dietary Fibre,  Niacin and potassium



Seasonality: Oct - May (Peak: Feb-Mar)

Buyer Update: still early in the season, fruit is small but in good supply and eats well. Please note: blood plums are not yet available- expected January

Flavour: juicy with a thin skin- range from sweet to tart depending on variety. Blood plums and red flesh varieties are sweeter due to their high sugar content   

Selection: choose wisely because plums don’t ripen well. Look for plump fruit with consistent colour, that yields under gentle pressure

Nutrition: good source of potassium and dietary fibre. Some Vitamin A and C, calcium, phosphorous, riboflavin and niacin.



Seasonality: Nov – Mar (Peak: Dec- Jan)

Buyer Update: fantastic eating but expensive due to being early in the season and only limited fruit available

Flavour: delicate, sweet taste with a firm, gelatinous texture 

Selection: stem should be attached, skin firm

Nutrition: great source of Vitamin C, calcium and potassium


Oysters in crispy tempura batter with apricot purée via Great British Chefs – see full recipe here

Oysters in crispy tempura batter with apricot puree

BUYER'S GUIDE: Asian/Exotics 6th - 12th Nov


Not Available: Luffas * Sin Que * Tamarind

Short Supply: Kachay * Water Spinach


Short Supply: Figs * Pomelos * Starfruit

Not Available: Asian Plum * Buddha Hands * Cumquats * Custard Apple * Fuji Fruit * Gold Kiwifruit * Guava * Loquats * Persimmon * Rambutan *  Tamarillo (gold) * Tangellos * Winter Melon

BUYER'S GUIDE: 6th - 12th Nov


The Buy list:  Apricots, Granny Smith & Delicious Apples, Blueberries, Ruby Grapefruit, USA Grapes, Honeydews, Kiwifruit, Mandarins, Mangoes, Mangosteen, Nashi Pears, Peaches, Nectarines, Navel Oranges, Paw Paw & Red Papaya, Pineapples, Plums, Rockmelons, Strawberries and Long & Seedless Watermelons.

The Watch List: Figs (Price) Passionfruit (Quality & Price) Gold Kiwifruit (Local Season Over)

Market Insights: With good supplies of New Season Stonefruit on market, “Apricots, Cherries, Mangoes, Nectarines, Peaches & Plums” and New Season Exotics: “Red Dragonfruit, Pomegranates, Lychees and Mangosteen” it is easy to get the variety and the colour need to dress up the menu. At this time the market is fully supplied with quality fruit and priced to suit. Enjoy! 


The Buy list:  Globe & Baby Artichokes, Aussie Green and Purple Asparagus and Imported White, Green Beans, Beetroot, Broccoli, Red, Green & Yellow Capsicums, Carrots, Cauliflowers, Celery, Chicory, Chinese Leaf Veg, Lebanese Cucumbers, Local Herbs, Jerusalem Artichokes, Red & Green Kale, Kohlrabi, All Lettuce, Lobok, Pumpkin, All Mushrooms, Fresh Green Peas, Mesclun, Baby Gourmet Spinach, Silverbeet, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, All Tomatoes and Zucchini 

The Watch List: Yellow Zucchini (Quality & Supply) Large Heirlooms Tomatoes (Supply & Price) Brussels Sprouts (On the bigger size & Price) 

Market Insights: Vegetables much the same as fruit, market is in good supply. We may see (at the end of the week and possible early next week) a shortening of some VIC produce due to the Melbourne Cup for a day or two before returning to normal. And with clear weather north and south this looks like being the status quo for the next few weeks.



Fruit:  Blueberries (NSW) * Paw Paw (QLD) * Peach (NSW) * Seedless Grapes - black (imp) * Strawberries - medium(VIC)

Vegetable: Baby English Spinach (VIC) * Cherry Tomatoes- red (NSW) * Mushroom- no 2 (NSW) * Sweetcorn (QLD) * Zucchini- green (NSW)


Fruit: Australian Cherries (SA) * Dragonfruit (NT) * Lychee (QLD) * Pineapple Plants (QLD) * Starfruit aka carambola (NT)

Vegetable: Baby Globe Artichokes (NSW)* Butter bean - yellow (QLD) * Purple Asparagus (VIC) * Red Witlof (VIC) * Yellow teardrop Tomatoes (NSW)


End of Season: Black Salsify (NA) * Champagne Melon (this week) * Gold Kiwifruit (NA) *

Short Supply: Yellow Zucchini

Expensive: Passionfruit


FRESH FACT:  Bananas (much like money) do NOT grow on trees. Related to the lily and orchid, the banana plant is actually a giant herb that produces edible fruit, known to reach 9m in height, it is the world’s largest perennial plant without a woody stem.


The banana is one of the most well known and easily recognisable fruits in Australia- we even have a really big one as a landmark up near Coffs Harbour. It’s not hard to understand why we’re so enamoured with the fruit, it is a healthy snack that is convenient to eat, tasty and affordable. But how can this everyday favourite dessert style fruit translate onto the menu? Today we’re taking a broader look at bananas, going beyond the dessert fruit to banana products that are lesser known yet, valuable in the kitchen. As an overgrown herb, the banana plant itself deserves some attention as the blossoms and leaves have their own unique flavour, character and purpose. Or for something different, why not include plantain (or cooking bananas) on the menu, found in Cuban, Caribbean cuisine they are a fabulous alternative to root vegetables being both versatile and interesting.


PLANTAIN BANANAS: aka Cooking Bananas


Availability: all year

Use: used as a vegetable, popular in Caribbean, Mexican and Asian cuisine

Appearance: firm fruit with a thick green skin, they are longer and fatter than sweet bananas (Cavendish etc) .

Flavour: less sugar, more starch- these bananas boast a taste and texture somewhat similar to a potato, getting sweeter as they ripen

Preparation: must be cooked- can be fried, boiled, baked, pickled, sautéed, mashed and stewed



Availability: all year

Use: the banana heart within the bud can be prepared like a vegetable and adds wonderful texture to dishes

Appearance: unopened, crimson red-purple bud

Flavour: rich, creamy, nutty flavour, however the stamens of the flowers inside can lend it a sharp/bitter edge

Preparation: once cut drizzle use lemon/lime mix to prevent discolouration. To soften the sometimes astringent edge, the heart is often soaked/steamed before use- then grilled, chopped into salads




Availability: all year- please note there is a minimum 7 day turnaround for orders of banana arms

Use: highly ornamental

Appearance: green dessert bananas still attached to the

Flavour: the bananas on the arm are Cavendish, therefore dessert bananas


LADYFINGER BANANAS: aka sugar bananas


Availability: all year

Use: dessert banana

Appearance: short banana with a very thin skin

Flavour: very sweet

Preparation: eat fresh or sliced into desserts, salads etc




Available: all year

Appearance: bright green, ridged leaves

Use: ornamental or wrapping food into a parcel that is to be grilled, steamed, boiled

Flavour: not eaten but lend a flavour to the food they wrap/contain

Preparation: pass over a flame (heat source) before using as a wrap as this will make them more hardy and prevent them from tearing.


Grilled chicken and banana flower salad via SBS Food – see full recipe here

Image: SBS Food

BUYER'S GUIDE: Asian/Exotics 30th Oct- 5th Nov


Not Available: Luffas * Sin Que * Tamarind

Short Supply: Kachay * Water Spinach



Short Supply: Figs

Not Available: Asian Plum * Buddha Hands * Cumquats * Custard Apple * Fuji Fruit * Guava (cooking) * Juju Fruit * Kaffir Limes * Persimmon * Rambutan *  Tamarillo (gold) * Tangellos * Winter Melon

BUYER'S GUIDE: 30th Oct - 5th Nov


The Buy list: Granny Smith & Delicious Apples, Blueberries, Ruby Grapefruit, USA Grapes, NZ Kiwifruit, Honey Murcott Mandarins, Mangos, Navel Oranges, Paw paw, Red Papaya, Pineapples, Rockmelons, Strawberries, Seedless & Champagne Watermelons

The Watch List: Figs (Price) Limes (Price) Passionfruit (Price)

Market Insights: It is a good week for fruit. New season Stone fruit has commenced and with rather solid supplies. Apricots, Cherries, Plums from SA. Peaches, Nectarines from NSW. Also commencing week are the Exotics: NT Dragonfruit, NT Carambola, NT Mangosteens, QLD Lychees and Imported Red Pomelo. There are no real shorts, just the 3 on the watch list due to price. 


The Buy list: Globe Artichokes, Asparagus, Beans, Broad Beans, Beetroot, Broccoli, All Capsicums, Carrots, Cauliflowers, Celery, Chicory, Lebanese Cucumbers, Edible Flowers & Zucchini Flowers, Eggplant, Aussie Garlic, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, All Lettuce, Mushrooms, Green Peas, Salad Mixes, Silverbeet, Spring Onions, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Zucchini and Pumpkin.  

The Watch List: All Clear! 

Market Insights: Due to the recent good weather all vegetables are in the clear. For something different this week- Baby Globe Artichokes, Purple Asparagus, Micro Herbs, Baby Gold Beetroot, Baby Vine Sweet Capsicums and Butter Beans


Fruit:  Blueberries (NSW) * Mangoes (NT) * Papaya (QLD) * Pineapple (QLD) * Seedless Watermelon (QLD)

Vegetable: Asparagus - medium (VIC) * Broccoli (NSW) * Cauliflower (NSW) * Green Beans (QLD) * Mesclun Lettuce (VIC)


Fruit: New Season Apricots (SA) * Champagne Melons (NT) * Australian Cherries (SA) *  Dragonfruit (NT) * Lychee (QLD) * Mangosteen (IMP) * New Season Plums (SA) * Pomellos (IMP) * Starfruit aka carambola (NT)

Vegetable: Purple Asparagus (VIC)


Not Available: Guava- cooking

End of Season: Black Salsify * Horseradish

Short Supply: Yellow Zucchini

Expensive: Passionfruit

Exotic Mushrooms

FRESH FACT: The oyster mushroom is used widely in Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Indian cooking and is often considered to be an ‘Asian mushroom’, in actual fact however the fungus was first cultivated in Germany (circa 1917) as a subsistence measure after WW1. Since this time, oyster mushrooms have gone on to become one of the world’s most important mushroom crops.

Mushrooms have been a prized food for thousands of years. Today we wanted to showcase the mushroom varieties- used widely in Asian cuisine- that are now enjoying broader culinary use and a growing popularity in Australia. Thanks to modern farming techniques, many of these varieties are now cultivated on our shores and with their unique flavour, texture and appearance they are an ideal complement to the lighter, delicate flavours of the Spring/Summer months.

AVAILABILITY: exotic mushroom varieties are available in varying quantities year round in Australia- with domestic produce farmed in controlled conditions and imported produce on hand we experience few significant breaks in supply. Please note: due to the highly perishable nature of these items SG&S buy fresh from the markets based on demand, therefore notice (minimum 24-48 hours) is required for the exotic mushroom range- in particular Namenko and Chestnut Mushrooms.


ENOKI MUSHROOMS: aka Enok, Enokitake, Enokidake, Golden Needle, Golden, Snow Puff, Vel


Appearance: beige to off white, spaghetti like stems with a small cap on top (wild varieties are light brown and bigger)

Flavour: mild flavour and crisp texture

Preparation: enoki can be eaten raw or cooked (think Shabu Shabu- hot pot), trim base and prepare as desired, if cooking add just prior to serving


OYSTER MUSHROOMS: aka Abalone mushroom, Pleurote, Hiratake, Tree Oyster


Appearance: fan/shell shaped with prominent gills on the underside (reminiscent of an oyster)- range in colour from white, to yellow to pink

Flavour: delicate, subtly sweet and very versatile- velvety texture they absorbs surrounding flavours

Preparation: best after a flash in the pan– team with fish, white meats & noodles- avoid washing, wipe with a damp cloth & trim ends. Order as required, highly perishable


KING OYSTER: aka King Brown, King Trumpet, Trumpet Royale


Appearance: stout mushroom with a small flat cap (creamy-tan in colour)- giving it a trumpet like shape

Flavour: hearty mushroom flavour

Preparation: trim end of stem before use- cooked it reaches its true ‘almond’ flavour potential- retains its firm, meaty texture under heat


NAMENKO MUSHROOMS: aka Nameko mushrooms, butterscotch mushroom


Appearance: sticky looking mushroom with slender white stem and amber- yellow rounded cap

Flavour: slightly nutty flavour, silky texture

Preparation: essential in Japanese cuisine, often cooked in stir-fries and miso soup- alternatively sauté, grill or roast



Appearance: cluster of bunched mushrooms with off-white stems and small brown-grey cap that get whiter as they mature

Flavour: when cooked they boast a mild, slightly nutty flavour with a firm yet tender texture

Preparation: cut stems off base before cooking- great in soups, stir-fries, sauces, casseroles, tempura


SHITAKI MUSHROOMS: aka Shiitake, Black Forest Mushroom, Brown Oak, Oriental Black


Appearance: broad umbrella cap ranging in colour from brown to black with light brown gills

Flavour: with a meaty texture and an aromatic, woody flavour this is a firm favourite

Preparation: remove stalk before cooking- pair with white meats, fish, pastas anything that wont overpower its distinctive, rich flavour. While too tough to eat, the stalks of shitake mushrooms lend a rich flavour to stocks/broths/soups.


WOOD EAR: aka Black Fungus, Ear Cloud


Appearance: grey-brown, shaped like an ear

Flavour: used mainly for their distinctive texture and ability to soak up neighbouring flavours

Preparation: available fresh, this is a favourite in Asian cuisine – think small pieces in soups, stir-fries and risottos


Market Insight- Pine Mushrooms, Ghost Mushrooms, Chestnuts and Pig Ear Mushrooms should be starting/becoming more consistent soon, we will keep you informed as to when they are available. For further information on mushroom varieties please visit our previous bulletins – Packed to the Gills and Into the Wild.


Dandelion, Melbourne- Tofu and mushroom pho with lily buds via Gourmet Traveller- see full recipe here




BUYER'S GUIDE: Asian/Exotics 23rd- 29th October

Asian Vegetables: Not Available

Luffas * Sin Que * Sugar Cane * Tamarind

Asian Vegetables: Short Supply

Gai Choy * Kachay * Water Spinach

Exotic Fruits: Short Supply

Banana Buds/Bell * Figs * Juju Fruit * Mangosteen * Pomelos

Exotic Fruits: Not Available

Asian Plum * Buddha Hands * Cumquats * Custard Apple * Dragonfruit * Fuji Fruit * Guava (cooking) * Kaffir Limes * Loquats * Lychee * Persimmon * Pomelos- red * Rambutan *  Starfruit (Carambola) * Tamarillo (gold) * Tangellos * Winter Melon

BUYER'S GUIDE: 23rd - 29th October


The Buy list: Granny Smith & Delicious Apples, NZ Hass Avocados, Bananas, Blueberries, Ruby Grapefruit, USA Grapes, Honeydew Melons, NZ Kiwifruit, Honey Murcott Mandarins, NT Mangoes, Nashi Pears, Navel Oranges, Paw Paw, Rockmelons, Rhubarb, Strawberries, Seedless, Long & Champagne Melons.

The Watch List: Limes (Price), “PASSIONFRUIT (PRICE)”

Market Insights: WA Hass Avocados starting to roll in, expecting good supplies from now until Xmas of both NZ and WA fruit. Look to Blueberries, USA Grapes, NZ Kiwifruit, Mandarins, NT Mangoes, Paw Paw, Honeydews, Rockmelons, Pineapples, Strawberries and all Watermelons for best buy this week. Good quality Peaches and Nectarines now in solid supply. Passionfruit hitting the outer limits pricewise, use sparingly, same applies to Limes. Looking for something different- Plantain Bananas, Beurre Bosc Pears, Pomegranates & Champagne Melons!


The Buy list: Globe Artichokes, Aussie Asparagus, Beetroot, Broccoli, Red & Green Capsicums, Cauliflowers, Celery, Chicory, Chinese Melons, Choi sum, Kai Lan & Pak Choy, Lebanese Cucumbers, Edible Flowers & Zucchini Flowers, Eggplant, Endive, Aussie Garlic, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, All Lettuce, Button, Field & Portobello Mushrooms, Fresh Green Peas, Mesclun Salad, Baby Gourmet Spinach, Silverbeet, Gold Squash, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, Cherry Truss Tomatoes, Butternut & Halloween Pumpkin.      

The Watch List: Brussels Sprouts (Size and Price), Celeriac (Season ending), Sugar Snap Peas (Supply and Price)

Market Insights: Good supplies all round on the Vegie front this week. The picks- Asparagus, Broccoli, Red Capsicums, Cauliflowers, Chinese Green Leaf Veg, Lebanese Cucumbers, Edible Flowers & Zucchini Flowers, Eggplant, Fennel, Leeks, Cos Lettuce, Button Mushrooms, Mesclun Mix, Gourmet Baby Spinach, Gold Squash,  Sweet Potatoes, Cherry Truss Tomatoes & Butternut Pumpkins. Something Different- Baby Globe Artichokes, Baby Gold Beetroot, Chicory, Micro Herbs, Kohlrabi & Fresh Soy Bean (Edamame).


Fruit:  Mangoes (NT) * Red Grapes (IMP) * Rockmelon (QLD) * Seedless Watermelon (QLD) * Strawberries- large (WA)

Vegetable: Button Mushrooms (NSW) * Cauliflower (NSW) * Cherry Truss tomatoes (NSW) * Lebanese Cucumber (NSW) * Red Capsicum (QLD) 


Fruit: Champagne Melon (NT) * Mangosteen (IMP) * Nectarine (NSW) * Peaches (NSW)  

Vegetable: Edible Flowers (VIC) * Finger Fennel (NSW) * Halloween Pumpkin (NSW) * Micro-herbs (VIC) * Portabello Mushroom (NSW) * Purple Carrot (NSW) 


Not Available: Guava- cooking

End of Season: Black Salsify

Short Supply: Starfruit (Carambola) * Sugarsnap Peas ($$$) * Yellow Zucchini

Expensive: Passionfruit