BUYER'S GUIDE: 6th - 12th Nov
The Buy list: Apricots, Granny Smith & Delicious Apples, Blueberries, Ruby Grapefruit, USA Grapes, Honeydews, Kiwifruit, Mandarins, Mangoes, Mangosteen, Nashi Pears, Peaches, Nectarines, Navel Oranges, Paw Paw & Red Papaya, Pineapples, Plums, Rockmelons, Strawberries and Long & Seedless Watermelons.
The Watch List: Figs (Price) Passionfruit (Quality & Price) Gold Kiwifruit (Local Season Over)
Market Insights: With good supplies of New Season Stonefruit on market, “Apricots, Cherries, Mangoes, Nectarines, Peaches & Plums” and New Season Exotics: “Red Dragonfruit, Pomegranates, Lychees and Mangosteen” it is easy to get the variety and the colour need to dress up the menu. At this time the market is fully supplied with quality fruit and priced to suit. Enjoy!
The Buy list: Globe & Baby Artichokes, Aussie Green and Purple Asparagus and Imported White, Green Beans, Beetroot, Broccoli, Red, Green & Yellow Capsicums, Carrots, Cauliflowers, Celery, Chicory, Chinese Leaf Veg, Lebanese Cucumbers, Local Herbs, Jerusalem Artichokes, Red & Green Kale, Kohlrabi, All Lettuce, Lobok, Pumpkin, All Mushrooms, Fresh Green Peas, Mesclun, Baby Gourmet Spinach, Silverbeet, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, All Tomatoes and Zucchini
The Watch List: Yellow Zucchini (Quality & Supply) Large Heirlooms Tomatoes (Supply & Price) Brussels Sprouts (On the bigger size & Price)
Market Insights: Vegetables much the same as fruit, market is in good supply. We may see (at the end of the week and possible early next week) a shortening of some VIC produce due to the Melbourne Cup for a day or two before returning to normal. And with clear weather north and south this looks like being the status quo for the next few weeks.
Fruit: Blueberries (NSW) * Paw Paw (QLD) * Peach (NSW) * Seedless Grapes - black (imp) * Strawberries - medium(VIC)
Vegetable: Baby English Spinach (VIC) * Cherry Tomatoes- red (NSW) * Mushroom- no 2 (NSW) * Sweetcorn (QLD) * Zucchini- green (NSW)
Fruit: Australian Cherries (SA) * Dragonfruit (NT) * Lychee (QLD) * Pineapple Plants (QLD) * Starfruit aka carambola (NT)
Vegetable: Baby Globe Artichokes (NSW)* Butter bean - yellow (QLD) * Purple Asparagus (VIC) * Red Witlof (VIC) * Yellow teardrop Tomatoes (NSW)
End of Season: Black Salsify (NA) * Champagne Melon (this week) * Gold Kiwifruit (NA) *
Short Supply: Yellow Zucchini
Expensive: Passionfruit
FRESH FACT: Bananas (much like money) do NOT grow on trees. Related to the lily and orchid, the banana plant is actually a giant herb that produces edible fruit, known to reach 9m in height, it is the world’s largest perennial plant without a woody stem.
The banana is one of the most well known and easily recognisable fruits in Australia- we even have a really big one as a landmark up near Coffs Harbour. It’s not hard to understand why we’re so enamoured with the fruit, it is a healthy snack that is convenient to eat, tasty and affordable. But how can this everyday favourite dessert style fruit translate onto the menu? Today we’re taking a broader look at bananas, going beyond the dessert fruit to banana products that are lesser known yet, valuable in the kitchen. As an overgrown herb, the banana plant itself deserves some attention as the blossoms and leaves have their own unique flavour, character and purpose. Or for something different, why not include plantain (or cooking bananas) on the menu, found in Cuban, Caribbean cuisine they are a fabulous alternative to root vegetables being both versatile and interesting.
PLANTAIN BANANAS: aka Cooking Bananas

Availability: all year
Use: used as a vegetable, popular in Caribbean, Mexican and Asian cuisine
Appearance: firm fruit with a thick green skin, they are longer and fatter than sweet bananas (Cavendish etc) .
Flavour: less sugar, more starch- these bananas boast a taste and texture somewhat similar to a potato, getting sweeter as they ripen
Preparation: must be cooked- can be fried, boiled, baked, pickled, sautéed, mashed and stewed

Availability: all year
Use: the banana heart within the bud can be prepared like a vegetable and adds wonderful texture to dishes
Appearance: unopened, crimson red-purple bud
Flavour: rich, creamy, nutty flavour, however the stamens of the flowers inside can lend it a sharp/bitter edge
Preparation: once cut drizzle use lemon/lime mix to prevent discolouration. To soften the sometimes astringent edge, the heart is often soaked/steamed before use- then grilled, chopped into salads

Availability: all year- please note there is a minimum 7 day turnaround for orders of banana arms
Use: highly ornamental
Appearance: green dessert bananas still attached to the
Flavour: the bananas on the arm are Cavendish, therefore dessert bananas
LADYFINGER BANANAS: aka sugar bananas

Availability: all year
Use: dessert banana
Appearance: short banana with a very thin skin
Flavour: very sweet
Preparation: eat fresh or sliced into desserts, salads etc

Available: all year
Appearance: bright green, ridged leaves
Use: ornamental or wrapping food into a parcel that is to be grilled, steamed, boiled
Flavour: not eaten but lend a flavour to the food they wrap/contain
Preparation: pass over a flame (heat source) before using as a wrap as this will make them more hardy and prevent them from tearing.
Grilled chicken and banana flower salad via SBS Food – see full recipe here

BUYER'S GUIDE: 30th Oct - 5th Nov
The Buy list: Granny Smith & Delicious Apples, Blueberries, Ruby Grapefruit, USA Grapes, NZ Kiwifruit, Honey Murcott Mandarins, Mangos, Navel Oranges, Paw paw, Red Papaya, Pineapples, Rockmelons, Strawberries, Seedless & Champagne Watermelons
The Watch List: Figs (Price) Limes (Price) Passionfruit (Price)
Market Insights: It is a good week for fruit. New season Stone fruit has commenced and with rather solid supplies. Apricots, Cherries, Plums from SA. Peaches, Nectarines from NSW. Also commencing week are the Exotics: NT Dragonfruit, NT Carambola, NT Mangosteens, QLD Lychees and Imported Red Pomelo. There are no real shorts, just the 3 on the watch list due to price.
The Buy list: Globe Artichokes, Asparagus, Beans, Broad Beans, Beetroot, Broccoli, All Capsicums, Carrots, Cauliflowers, Celery, Chicory, Lebanese Cucumbers, Edible Flowers & Zucchini Flowers, Eggplant, Aussie Garlic, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, All Lettuce, Mushrooms, Green Peas, Salad Mixes, Silverbeet, Spring Onions, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Zucchini and Pumpkin.
The Watch List: All Clear!
Market Insights: Due to the recent good weather all vegetables are in the clear. For something different this week- Baby Globe Artichokes, Purple Asparagus, Micro Herbs, Baby Gold Beetroot, Baby Vine Sweet Capsicums and Butter Beans
Fruit: Blueberries (NSW) * Mangoes (NT) * Papaya (QLD) * Pineapple (QLD) * Seedless Watermelon (QLD)
Vegetable: Asparagus - medium (VIC) * Broccoli (NSW) * Cauliflower (NSW) * Green Beans (QLD) * Mesclun Lettuce (VIC)
Fruit: New Season Apricots (SA) * Champagne Melons (NT) * Australian Cherries (SA) * Dragonfruit (NT) * Lychee (QLD) * Mangosteen (IMP) * New Season Plums (SA) * Pomellos (IMP) * Starfruit aka carambola (NT)
Vegetable: Purple Asparagus (VIC)
Not Available: Guava- cooking
End of Season: Black Salsify * Horseradish
Short Supply: Yellow Zucchini
Expensive: Passionfruit
BUYER'S GUIDE: 23rd - 29th October
The Buy list: Granny Smith & Delicious Apples, NZ Hass Avocados, Bananas, Blueberries, Ruby Grapefruit, USA Grapes, Honeydew Melons, NZ Kiwifruit, Honey Murcott Mandarins, NT Mangoes, Nashi Pears, Navel Oranges, Paw Paw, Rockmelons, Rhubarb, Strawberries, Seedless, Long & Champagne Melons.
The Watch List: Limes (Price), “PASSIONFRUIT (PRICE)”
Market Insights: WA Hass Avocados starting to roll in, expecting good supplies from now until Xmas of both NZ and WA fruit. Look to Blueberries, USA Grapes, NZ Kiwifruit, Mandarins, NT Mangoes, Paw Paw, Honeydews, Rockmelons, Pineapples, Strawberries and all Watermelons for best buy this week. Good quality Peaches and Nectarines now in solid supply. Passionfruit hitting the outer limits pricewise, use sparingly, same applies to Limes. Looking for something different- Plantain Bananas, Beurre Bosc Pears, Pomegranates & Champagne Melons!
The Buy list: Globe Artichokes, Aussie Asparagus, Beetroot, Broccoli, Red & Green Capsicums, Cauliflowers, Celery, Chicory, Chinese Melons, Choi sum, Kai Lan & Pak Choy, Lebanese Cucumbers, Edible Flowers & Zucchini Flowers, Eggplant, Endive, Aussie Garlic, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, All Lettuce, Button, Field & Portobello Mushrooms, Fresh Green Peas, Mesclun Salad, Baby Gourmet Spinach, Silverbeet, Gold Squash, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, Cherry Truss Tomatoes, Butternut & Halloween Pumpkin.
The Watch List: Brussels Sprouts (Size and Price), Celeriac (Season ending), Sugar Snap Peas (Supply and Price)
Market Insights: Good supplies all round on the Vegie front this week. The picks- Asparagus, Broccoli, Red Capsicums, Cauliflowers, Chinese Green Leaf Veg, Lebanese Cucumbers, Edible Flowers & Zucchini Flowers, Eggplant, Fennel, Leeks, Cos Lettuce, Button Mushrooms, Mesclun Mix, Gourmet Baby Spinach, Gold Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Cherry Truss Tomatoes & Butternut Pumpkins. Something Different- Baby Globe Artichokes, Baby Gold Beetroot, Chicory, Micro Herbs, Kohlrabi & Fresh Soy Bean (Edamame).
Fruit: Mangoes (NT) * Red Grapes (IMP) * Rockmelon (QLD) * Seedless Watermelon (QLD) * Strawberries- large (WA)
Vegetable: Button Mushrooms (NSW) * Cauliflower (NSW) * Cherry Truss tomatoes (NSW) * Lebanese Cucumber (NSW) * Red Capsicum (QLD)
Fruit: Champagne Melon (NT) * Mangosteen (IMP) * Nectarine (NSW) * Peaches (NSW)
Vegetable: Edible Flowers (VIC) * Finger Fennel (NSW) * Halloween Pumpkin (NSW) * Micro-herbs (VIC) * Portabello Mushroom (NSW) * Purple Carrot (NSW)
Not Available: Guava- cooking
End of Season: Black Salsify
Short Supply: Starfruit (Carambola) * Sugarsnap Peas ($$$) * Yellow Zucchini
Expensive: Passionfruit
BUYER'S GUIDE: 16th - 22nd October
The Buy list: Granny Smith and Delicious Apples, NZ Hass Avocados, Bananas, Blueberries, Ruby Grapefruit, IMP Grapes, NZ Kiwifruit, SA Mandarins, Mangoes, All Pears, Navel Oranges, Paw Paw, Rockmelons, Rhubarb, WA Strawberries, Long, Seedless & Champagne Melons.
The Watch List: Limes (Price), “PASSIONFRUIT (PRICE)”, Starfruit (NA).
Market Insights: Clear across the board with Fruit. Quality is good, solid supplies on market with plenty to choose from. Stone fruit: Good quality eating peaches and NT mangoes now available. Early nectarines are on market- lacking flavour, appearance and limited shelf-life. The right product will be available in 4 weeks. Seedless, Long and Champagne Melons are in good supply and priced to suit. Beware- good quality passionfruit is expensive and limited in supply.
The Buy list: Aussie Asparagus, NSW Artichokes, Green Beans, Beetroot, Carrots, Celery, Chicory, Lebanese & Continental Cucumbers, Edible Flowers, Eggplant, Fresh Herbs, Kale, Kohl Rabi, Leeks, All Lettuce, Fresh Green Peas, Salad Mixes, Silverbeet, Spring Onions, Gold Squash, Swedes, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes (At Last), Zucchini, Onions
The Watch List: Brussels Sprouts (Price & Size-slightly on the larger side), Bird Eye Chilli (Price), Lotus Root & Cooking Guava (Season Ending). Kaffa Limes (Supply)
Market Insights: At last we see tomatoes come back into the fold! Quality is good with prices expecting to drift back over the coming weeks. Red & Green capsicums are off their highs and will settle down as the week draws on. Caulies & Broccoli, no problem with supply or quality, just an increase in demand nudging the price up slightly. All Lettuce, Green Beans, Carrots, Celery, Eggplant, Leeks, Mushrooms, Salad Mixes, Sweet Potatoes and Green Zucchini are in the good buying zone for the week. And pumpkin is on the back foot, pricing is coming off their recent highs. Halloween Pumpkins now available!!
Fruit: Blueberries (NSW) * Mangoes (NT) * Paw Paw (QLD) * Rhubarb (NSW) * Watermelon- seedless (QLD)
Vegetable: Cos Lettuce - large (NSW) * Green Beans (QLD) * Potatoes- washed large (QLD) * Tomatoes- small (QLD) * Zucchini- green (QLD)
Fruit: Blood Lime (NSW) * Champagne Melon (NT) * Peaches (NSW)
Vegetable: Baby Gold Beetroot (NSW) * Finger Fennel (NSW) * Green Peas- fresh (QLD) * Halloween Pumpkin (NSW) * Purple Jester Potato (TAS) * Soya Beans- fresh (New Season- QLD) * White Asparagus (New Season- VIC)
Not Available: Guava- cooking * Starfruit (Carambola) * Lotus Root
End of Season: Pomello
Short Supply: Kaffir Limes
Expensive: Passionfruit
BUYER'S GUIDE: 9th - 15th Oct
The Buy list: Granny Smiths, Royal Gala, NZ Hass Avocados, Bananas, Blueberries, Ruby Grapefruit, USA Red Seedless Grapes, Honeydews, Kiwifruit, Mandarins, NT Mangos, Nashi Pears, Blood Oranges, Pawpaw, New Season Peaches, Pineapples, Rockmelons, Seedless & Long Watermelons.
The Watch List: Figs (Price), Passionfruit (Price), Strawberries (Quality)
Market Insights: It is a good week for fruit, New Season Peaches are now available, eating 7/10. NZ & WA Hass Avocados are our main supply now- good quality and solid supply. Also in good supply Blueberries, Import Red Seedless Grapes, NT Mangos, NZ Kiwi, All Melons, Murcott Mandarins, Nashi Pears, Pawpaw & Papaya and Pineapples. WA & SA Strawberries are in good supply as the QLD season draws to a close and good quality NSW Mulberries available.
The Buy list: Artichokes, Green & White Aussie Asparagus, Green Beans, Broad Beans, Fresg Green Peas, Beetroot, Carrots, Cauliflowers, Celery, Celeriac, Chicory, Eggplant, Edible Flowers, Baby, Large & Finger Fennel, NSW Herbs, Leeks, All Lettuce, Mushrooms, FRESH Soy Beans, Silverbeet, Sweet Potatoes, Red & Brown Onions and Zucchini.
The Watch List: Brussels Sprouts (Price), Red & Green Capsicums (Price)
Market Insights: Market has eased considerable on most vegetables lines. Tomatoes are drifting back slowly; quality is good with supply on the increase. Good supplies this week of FRESH QLD Soy Beans. It is a trial so there will be weeks when not available, expecting full supply this December. New season White Asparagus is available, the quality is excellent and the price less than the imported. All wet lines are at their best in quality and price.
Fruit: Blueberries (NSW) * Grapes- red seedless (USA) * Mandarin (QLD) * Paw Paw (QLD) * Rockmelon (QLD)
Vegetable: Cauliflower (NSW) * Eggplant (QLD) * Green Beans (QLD) * Leek- large (NSW) * Mushrooms- No 2 (NSW)
Fruit: Champagne melon (NT) * Longan (IMP) * Peach (NSW) * Mulberries (NSW)
Vegetable: Finger Fennel (NSW) * Halloween Pumpkin (NSW) * Heirloom Tomatoes (NSW) * Portabello Mushroom (NSW) * Soy Bean- fresh (New Season- QLD) * White Asparagus (New Season- VIC)
Not Available: Loquats * Purple Jester Potatoes
End of Season: Pomello
Short Supply: Starfruit (Carambola) * Strawberries - plate VIP
Expensive: Passionfruit
BUYER'S GUIDE: 3rd Oct- 8th Oct
Fruit: Bethonga Pineapple (QLD) * Blueberries (NSW) * Kiwifruit (NZ) * Paw Paw- yellow (QLD) * Rhubarb (NSW)
Vegetable: Asparagus- medium (VIC) * Cos Lettuce- large (NSW) * Eggplant (QLD) * Green Peas (QLD) * Mushroom- no 2 (NSW)
Fruit: Bell Apples (QLD) * Blood Oranges (QLD) * Champagne Melon (NT) * Honey Pears (QLD) * Loquats (NSW) * Pomegranate (IMP)
Vegetable: Edible Flowers (VIC/NSW) * Eggplant- seedless (NSW) * Purslane Lettuce (NSW) * Roman Beans (NSW)
End of Season: Pommelo
Short Supply: Starfruit (carambola) * Strawberries- plate VIP
Expensive: Red Capsicum
Not Available: Guava * Heirloom tomatoes * Red veined sorrel
BUYER'S GUIDE: 25th Sept - 3rd Oct
The Buy list: Granny Smith & Delicious Apples, Bananas, Blueberries, Ruby Grapefruit, Honeydews, Kiwifruit, Mandarins, Nashi, Beurre Bosc & Packham Pears, Blood Oranges, Navel Oranges, Red Papaya, Pineapples, Rockmelons, Rhubarb, Strawberries, Watermelons: Seedless and Longs.
The Watch List: Import Grapes (Quality), Figs (PRICE), Lime (Price), Passionfruit (Price), Mulberries (Quality).
Market Insights: The appearance of the early season Peaches and Nectarines is now more consistent but the eating quality is low, 5/10 at best therefore still on hold as a buy. NZ Hass Avocado season is on, quality is good with oil content just under par as expected for early season supply, local Avocado eating quality is much better. Bananas, Blueberries, Pineapples, Red Papaya and Rockmelons are in solid supply. NT Mangoes all systems go. New Season Loquats in stock as are QLD Gooseberries, both sold by 250gm punnets. Lime price has eased with Lemons just starting to increase slightly. Grapes are a mixed bag, locals are the best buying in terms of quality with Imported USA being better priced. Strawberries now being supplied from WA & QLD. USA Pomegranates are now available.
The Buy list: Aussie Asparagus in full supply. Broad Beans in good supply now & for the next few weeks- great quality in addition to well priced. Same with Baby Beetroot, Dutch Carrots & Baby Gold Beetroot. Telegraph Cucumbers, Celery, Chicory, Rapi, Chinese Leaf Veg, Celeriac, Fennel Large, Leeks, All Lettuce, Button Mushrooms, Snow & Snap Peas, Gourmet Salad Lines, Silverbeet, Swedes, Sweet Potatoes and Spuds and Onions.
The Watch List: Red Capsicums (Price), Brussels Sprouts (Size and Price), Tomatoes (Price), Jarrahdale Pumpkin (Price), Heirloom Tomatoes (Supply).
Market Insights: Artichoke season will end in about 6 weeks with limited supply after that. Aussie Asparagus in full swing- Jumbo, Medium, Thin and No2 (No2 sold by 6kg box). Brussels Sprouts, size is BIG, quality sound. Red Capsicums price on the decrease. Baby Veg in good supply. All Chinese Leaf Veg are good buying, locally supplied. Edible flowers, full range, fresh stocks arrive Monday, Wednesday & Fridays with special orders requiring notice. Local Herbs- good supply, Angelica from QLD with notice. All wet lines (Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, Cauliflowers, Leeks etc) excellent quality with supply overriding demand. Mushrooms- buttons, cookers, flats, cups & Portobello in ready to roll and priced to suit. Tomatoes, yes the longest they have held this money ever...painful to say the least. NZ season commences with supply here as of next Tuesday, QLD supply now on the increase....Amen! Pumpkin, Jap and Butternut still better buying then Jarrahdale. Aussie garlic season not far off!
Fruit: Cavendish Bananas (QLD) * Red Papaya (QLD) * Rockmelon (QLD/NT) * Ruby Blush Grapefruit (QLD) * Watermelon (QLD)
Vegetable: Asparagus- medium (VIC) * Broad Bean (NSW) * Flat field Mushrooms (NSW) * Silverbeet (NSW) * Telegraph Cucumber (QLD)
Fruit: Bell Apples (QLD) * Green Mangoes (NT) * Gooseberries (QLD) * Loquats (NSW) * Pomegranate (IMP)
Vegetable: Baby Gold Beetroot- bunch (NSW) * Black Kumato Tomato (QLD) * Lettuce- Purslane (NSW) * Vine Sweetened baby Capsicum (QLD) * Yellow Cherry Tomatoes (QLD)
Not Available: Dragon Fruit * Fuji Fruit * Guava * Beef Oxheart tomatoes * Heirloom tomatoes * Honeycomb Full Frame
BUYER'S GUIDE: 18th Sept - 24th Sept
The Buy list: Delicious apples, Pink Lady Apples, Bananas, Blueberries, Grapefruit Ruby, Honeydews, Kiwifruit, Mandarins, Nashi, Beurre Bosc & Packham Pears, Blood Oranges, Navel Oranges, Red Papaya, Pineapples, Rockmelons, Rhubarb, QLD Strawberries, Watermelons: Seedless and Longs.
The Watch List: Import Grapes (Quality), Figs (PRICE), Lime (Price), Passionfruit (Price).
Market Insights: NZ Hass Avocadoes are on market, it is early but they are on market and for sale. Bananas- prices easing and quality is on the rise with the warmer weather. The quality of all Melons has increased- good eating and prices have eased. NT Mango season is on- good supply, good quality and eating 8/10. Imported (China) Nashi Pears on market for sale. Early season “Peaches & Nectarines” are on market but nothing special- eating quality, 6/10, on hold as a buy.
The Buy list: New Season Aussie Asparagus- Thin, Medium & Jumbo, white in 2 weeks. Broad Beans- peaking now and well priced. Hand Picked Green Beans- excellent quality, very tender and priced to suit. Carrots, Celeriac, Chicory, Chinese Cabbage, Eggplant, Fennel Large and Baby, Leeks, Cos, Baby Cos & Iceberg Lettuce, Button Mushrooms, Snow & Snap Peas, Gourmet Salad Lines, Silverbeet, Gold Squash, Rapi, Swedes, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes and Spuds and Onions.
The Watch List: Red Capsicums (Very short supply, PRICE), Brussels Sprouts (Supply is back on with varying quality), Ouch!!! Tomatoes (PRICE & Supply), Jarrahdale Pumpkin (Price).
Market Insights: Red Capsicums and tomatoes are in very short supply, quality is sound but pricing....don’t ask! Jarrahdale Pumpkin is in short supply with Jap on the increase as well. Butternut pumpkin holding. Edible flowers are in season, full range available; however notice needed to fill larger orders. Asian leaf veg in good supply, same with locally grown herbs.
Fruit: Blueberries (NSW) * Mandarin (QLD) * Packham Pears- green (VIC) * Pineapple (QLD) * Seedless Watermelon (NT)
Vegetable: Broad Beans (NSW) * Leek - large (SA) * Portabello Mushroom (SA) * Spring Onions (QLD) * Sweet Potato - large (QLD)
Fruit: Aussie Mangoes (New Season- NT) * Cumquats (QLD) * Pomegranate (Imported)
Vegetable: Cime de Rapa (NSW) * Idaho Potato - foil wrapped (SA) * Lettuce- Purslane (NSW) * Lettuce- Rocquette (NSW) * Purple Garlic (Imported) * Sorrel- red vein (VIC)
Other: Edible Flowers (NSW/VIC)
Not Available: Dragon Fruit * Fuji Fruit * Guava * Beef Oxheart tomatoes * Heirloom tomatoes
BUYER'S GUIDE: 11th Sept - 17th Sept
The Buy list: Royal Gala, Golden Delicious & Delicious apples, Bananas, Blueberries, Ruby Grapefruit, Honeydews & Rockmelons AT LAST!!, Kiwifruit, Mandarins, Beurre Bosc Pears, Blood Oranges, Pineapples, Rhubarb and QLD Strawberries
The Watch List: Imported Grapes (Quality), Figs (PRICE) Lime (Price), Seedless Watermelons (Price & Quality), Passionfruit (Price)
Market Insights: Early Season Australian Grapes are available, quality is sound and eating 8/10. NT Mangoes in good supply, quality is good and eating 7/10. Early season “Peaches & Nectarines” are on market, quality has increased 6/10 but still not in the eating zone and up there in price! The main lines to watch this weeks are; Limes (just price), quality of Seedless and regular Watermelons. Pawpaw, Red Papaya & Passionfruit, supply slowing and price on the move up.
The Buy list: New Season Aussie Asparagus & Jumbo, Beetroot, Broccoli, Carrots, Celeriac, Chicory, Chinese Cabbage, Fennel, Leeks, Cos & Iceberg Lettuce, Gourmet Salad Lines, Silverbeet, Gold Squash, Rapi, Swedes, Sweet Corn, Sweet Potatoes, Green Zucchini, Butternut Pumpkin, Spuds and Onions
The Watch List: Capsicums: (Price), Brussels Sprouts (Supply & Price), Leb Cucumbers (Price), Parsnip (Price), Green Peas (Quality & Price), All Tomatoes (PRICE), Jarrahdale Pumpkin (Price)
Market Insights: Capsicums- supply problems though quality is sound, this will change by the weekend. Brussels Sprouts- limited supply and price is up. Leb Cucumbers- asking high prices for quality gear. Tomatoes are in short supply and look like staying this way for the next 3 weeks. Getting supply of quality and correct size is the main issue. Jarrahdale Pumpkin is in short supply, plenty of Butternut and Jap to cover. New Season Aussie Asparagus is in full swing, good buying and great quality. Zucchini & Edible flowers are in season, full range available however notice is needed to fill larger orders.
Bye Bye Australian Truffle season!!
Fruit: Beurre Bosc Pears (VIC) * Blood Oranges (QLD) * Honeydew Melon (NT) * Rhubarb (NSW) * Rockmelon (QLD/NT)
Vegetable: Chat Potatoes- sml (SA) * Cos Lettuce- large (NSW) * Mesclun Lettuce (QLD) * Silverbeet (NSW) * Sweetcorn (QLD)
Fruit: Lemon- seedless (QLD) * New Season Mangoes- VIP (NT) * Mulberries (NSW) * Pineapple- rough skin (QLD) * Strawberries - Plate VIP (QLD)
Vegetable: Cime de Rapa (NSW) * Idaho Potato - foil wrapped (SA) * Sorrel- red vein * Vine sweet baby caps (QLD) * Zucchini Flower (NSW)
Poor Quality: Pomegranate
Short Supply & Expensive: Butter Beans- yellow
Not Available: Dragon Fruit * Fuji Fruit * Guava * Beef Oxheart tomatoes * Heirloom tomatoes