Due to extreme weather patterns over the last 6-8 weeks many lines of fresh produce have been heavily affected. The wet weather experienced before winter delayed plantings, this was followed by extended cool nights, frosts and then more heavy rain.
FRUIT: Market Overview
- Apples and Pears will be unaffected due to the majority of fruit coming out of cold storage
- Citrus fruits (incl. Navel Oranges, Grapefruit and Lemons) are unaffected, yet limes will be firm. Mandarins will be firm due to changing varieties more so than weather
- Avocados and Bananas are affected mostly due to the cold nights rather than the wet . Sizing will remain small and skin dull in colour
- Melons are adversely affected due to the cold nights and rain. NT Honeydew and Rocks are due to start at the end of this week- 19/20 July
- Strawberries have been affected, quality concerns expect
- Pineapples and Bethonga have been severely affected due to lack of sun, cold weather, rain and the inability of growers to pick. Pineapples will be extremely short supply for the next 2-3 weeks
- Blueberries and raspberries are also affected and will remain expensive for the next couple of weeks
VEG: Market Overview
- Wet lines such as iceberg, Cos and celery should be ok. Broccoli has shortened mainly due to the cold. Cauliflowers will have issues
- Salad lines have been severely affected. Rocket is very difficult to get, and Mesclun and baby Spinach have increased in price. These lines will be short for the next 2-3 weeks
- Capsicum have been affected- reds and yellows will have some quality issues. Pricing is stable
- All cabbage lines have been affected due to the inability for farmers to get to the fields to pick. Prices will rise sharply but not for long.
- Beans and Corn have issues in quality and supply. Good beans will be scarce and expensive. Due to the rains, corn hasn’t been sprayed and we are expected to find grubs
- Eggplant, Squash and Zucchini have been affected due to the cold and rain and will remain short for the next couple of weeks
- Cucumbers are good and have not suffered much
- All pumpkin varieties have been affected, especially Jap and Butternut. Theses lines will be in short supply for 3-4 more weeks
- Snow peas and snaps have been affected but pricing remains reasonable
- All Chinese vegetables have been adversely affected. There is planting gaps from previous rain falls. Short supply is another issue.
- Fancy lettuces are smaller in size and in short supply
- Herbs – Basil , chives , mint have been affected but these lines are quick to recover
Fruit: Avocado (QLD) * Kiwifruit – bulk (Imp- NZ) * Oranges – large (QLD) * Panama Passionfruit (QLD)
Vegetable: Broad Beans (NSW) * Celery (VIC) * Parsnip * Telegraph Cucumber (SA) * Russett Burbank Potato (TAS)
Fruit: Cherries (Imp-US) * Blood Oranges (QLD) * Green Mangoes (NT) * Pomello (QLD) * Red Papaya (QLD) * Tamarillo – red (WA)
Vegetable: Borlotti Bean (QLD) * Namenko Mushroom (NSW) * Red Witlof (VIC)
Other: Black Truffles (WA- New Season)
Short Supply: Butter bean- yellow * Chestnut Mushrooms
Short Supply & Expensive: Mesclun Lettuce * Pineapple * Wild Rocket
Expensive: Rockmelon